The treatment known as botox has a long medical history and is something that’s become very popular in recent years. However, many people don’t understand how it works or what it can help manage. Reading through the following information can ensure you understand it.
What Is It?
This medicine is technically a toxin that is injected directly into affected areas. When it goes into effect, it causes neuromuscular paralysis that can stop wrinkles from forming or reduce their appearance. It’s extremely safe when applied by a professional who understands it.
How Is It Used in Treatment?
A cosmetic professional will examine your wrinkles and where they appear on your face. Then, they’ll identify the best injection sites and carefully apply them where it makes the most sense. Before working with you, they’ll talk to you about it to ensure that your expectations align.
When Do Results Appear?
According to the Mayo Clinic, results for botox injections should appear between one to three days after treatment. Some people notice an immediate result right after injection, though this is rare. If you don’t notice any results within this time, reach out to our med spa to get help.
Should I Worry About Side Effects?
Very few people experience any serious reactions to this treatment, though people allergic to it shouldn’t try it. Your doctor will test you to make sure you don’t have any reactions to its injection. Some people experience swelling, bruising, and redness when the doctor injects the medicine.
Does It Last Long?
Most injections may last three to four months for some people, meaning you’ll be wrinkle-free during that time. Eventually, your body will metabolize it, and you’ll start to lose the effect. Thankfully, cosmetic professionals can ensure you get only as much as you need to stay healthy.
Does It Have Real Medical Purposes?
This treatment may be used for people who have migraines and is a useful way of reducing their symptoms. In this case, it’s likely covered by insurance, which reduces how much money you spend. Talk to your insurance agent to ensure that you get the coverage you deserve.
If you’re interested in getting botox for any purpose, make sure that you reach out to our team right away to learn more. We can help you better understand the treatment options available for your needs. Just as importantly, we can do whatever it takes to improve your care.