
What to Expect During a Botox Consultation

Botox remains a popular procedure to help minimize the appearance of aging. These injections can quickly help you shave years off your appearance. During your initial consultation, your provider will discuss several things with you and answer any questions you have.

Desired Results

One of the first things your provider will ask includes what results you would like. Answering this question ensures you are on the same page with your provider. It also provides you with unrealistic expectations. Your provider will determine the right amount to give you and where to put injections to help you get the results you want.

Before Care

Your doctor will take this time to review anything you need to know before your injections. For example, you shouldn’t drink alcohol, including wine, one week before your appointment. You should also avoid anti-inflammatory medications like Ibuprofen. Bring a complete list of medicines you’re taking to the appointment.

After Care

Your provider will also review aftercare information with you. This is a same-day procedure that doesn’t require a lot of downtime. However, you’ll need to keep a few things in mind. For example, you should avoid heading to the gym and not put on makeup the same day you leave the office. It would help if you also didn’t drink alcohol or lie down immediately after the appointment. It is okay to apply ice to help minimize discomfort.

The Results

Many patients want to know how long it takes to see their desired results. This does vary depending on the patient and the desired outcome, but it won’t take long to see results. According to Mayo Clinic, these Botox injections typically start working one to two days after treatment. You’ll notice you can’t see your fine lines and wrinkles as much and that your face appears firmer.

Your Questions

Throughout the entire consultation, you’ll be able to ask questions at any time. From the first moment you walk through the door, your provider’s only concern is ensuring that you feel comfortable and have all the information you need. So, be sure to ask questions as you think of them.

Botox remains one of the most popular ways to get your desired look. Our professionals will take time to answer all your questions and give you the necessary information. Contact us at Sanjiva Medical Spa to schedule your initial consultation today.

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