Body Contouring Procedure

When to Seek a Body Contouring Procedure

You’ve done the hard work — you lost a significant amount of weight through healthy eating and increased physical activity. Congratulations! However, you may be struggling with loose, excess skin that is resisting your newly contoured body. If this sounds familiar, you may be a good candidate for body contouring. But when do you know it’s the right time to seek a body contouring procedure?

What Exactly Is Body Contouring?

Body contouring is a type of plastic surgery that removes excess skin and fat to improve the shape and tone of underlying tissue. There are several body contouring procedures, including arm lifts, thigh lifts, tummy tucks, breast lifts, and lower body lifts. These procedures reshape specific areas of the body that have loose skin or uneven contours from major weight loss. Body contouring creates a more proportional, fit, and natural look by getting rid of sagging skin. According to EMSCULPT NEO, patients who participated in seven clinical trials had results that averaged a 25% muscle mass increase, 30% fat reduction, and 17% visceral fat reduction, all without any downtime.

When Is Body Contouring Appropriate?

The ideal candidate for body contouring has maintained their weight loss for six months or longer. This allows your plastic surgeon to accurately mark and plan the surgical areas that need skin/tissue removal. Your skin also needs time to bounce back naturally — waiting at least six months allows everything to fully settle before surgically contouring. It’s also important that you are at or extremely close to your goal weight before seeking this procedure.

What Results Can You Expect?

The results of body contouring are permanent changes (as long as your weight remains stable). The procedure removes excess skin and fat and tightens supportive tissue underneath. This reveals an improved body contour with better proportions. The treated areas appear smoother, firmer, and more toned. In addition to the physical improvements, body contouring can provide tremendous emotional benefits. Removing the excess skin can help your self-confidence and body image. The procedure allows your hard work and weight-loss achievements to really show.

If you’ve maintained significant weight loss for over six months, body contouring may be right for you. This procedure removes loose excess skin for a leaner, tighter, and more proportional silhouette. Reach out to Sanjiva Medical Spa today for a consultation to find out if you’re a candidate for a body contouring procedure.

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