eliminate fat

Body Contouring and EMSCULPT NEO: What You Need to Know

Diet and exercise can go a long way toward helping you achieve your weight loss goals. However, there are limitations to what they can do. Many of the people who lose weight naturally still have stubborn fat pockets. Before throwing in the towel, you need to try a new way to eliminate fat. Body contouring offers solutions that can work wonders on fat pockets, and you can learn more about them below.

How Body Contouring Can Eliminate Fat

Body contouring doesn’t refer to a single procedure. Instead, the term is used to highlight various procedures that are all designed to reduce fat. If you’re familiar with body contouring, chances are you know it involves surgical procedures. Liposuctions, tummy tucks, and breast lifts are just some of the procedures commonly associated with body contouring.

However, body contouring has progressed well past the point where it can only reduce fat through surgery. These days, there are also non-invasive tools that are used to carry out body sculpting. The surgical procedures still excel at getting rid of unwanted fat, but these newer technologies may serve as more practical options. One example of new technology used for body contouring is EMSCULPT NEO.

Why EMSCULPT NEO Is a Top Option for Eliminating Fat

EMSCULPT NEO gives people a new way to eliminate fat. This instrument relies on radiofrequency and high-intensity focused electromagnetic field technology to get rid of your fat pockets. It starts by warming up your muscles and getting them ready for a workout. Once your muscles have been suitably prepared, EMSCULPT NEO begins engaging your muscles and contracting them.

The contractions are key to fat reduction. They help destroy your stubborn fat pockets. Not long after treatment, you should notice your unwanted bulges disappear.

While effective fat reduction is certainly the main benefit of using EMSCULPT NEO, there are other reasons why you should consider it. As EMSCULPT NEO eliminates your stubborn fat, it also stimulates your muscles and encourages growth. You can expect to see more defined muscles if you keep this treatment going.

EMSCULPT NEO is also a non-invasive form of body sculpting. Because it’s non-invasive, you don’t have to spend time recovering from the procedure. Even the procedure itself is fairly quick. According to EMSCULPT NEO, a single treatment session lasts around 30 minutes.

Getting rid of stubborn fat pockets can be challenging, but body contouring does stand out as an effective solution. EMSCULPT NEO, in particular, is worth trying if you’re looking to get rid of unwanted fat. Contact us today at Sanjiva Medical Spa and experience the benefits of that body contouring method firsthand!

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