Are Lip Fillers Right For Your Needs?

As you age, your lips naturally decrease in size. This is because the collagen that used to plump up your lips naturally decreases. Additionally, spending a lot of time in the sun, smoking or developing a large number of wrinkles can also decrease the collagen normally found in your lips. If your lips are thin or have decreased in size, you may be looking at using fillers to plump them back up. Here are a few reasons why fillers for your lips may be right for you.

Lip Fillers Slightly Enlarge or Correct the Shape of Your Lips

There are different fillers on the market that can be used on lips. However, most lip fillers are designed to slightly enlarge the size of your lips or correct the shape of your lips if they are not symmetrical. Lip fillers can also naturally smooth out a few of the lines or wrinkles around the corners of your mouth as your lips are enlarged. If these sound like the types of results you’re going for, these fillers may be ideal for you.

Lip Fillers Are Not Permanent

If you’re considering getting fillers in your lips, it’s important to know that lip fillers are not permanent. According to Cleveland Clinic, most of the fillers that are used on the lips generally last anywhere from 12 to 18 months. The amount of filler injected, the type of filler used, your age, and your overall metabolism all affect how long the filler will last. If you don’t mind having your lips filled every two to 18 months, fillers may be ideal for you.

You Must Not Have Any Current Cold Sores

Lastly, lip fillers may be right for you if you’re in overall good health. As dermal fillers are injected into the lips, you run a slight risk of infection when having fillers injected. As such, if you’re currently in poor health, this type of cosmetic procedure may not be right for you. Additionally, fillers cannot be currently injected if you have any cold sores or large sores or issues around your lips. You should also avoid fillers while pregnant or if taking any blood thinners.

Lip fillers can be a great way to slightly plump up your lips, giving you the natural appearance of fuller lips. Schedule a consultation with us today if you want to learn more about whether these types of fillers may be right for you.

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