All Things Botox: 2023 Edition  

Sanjiva Medical
Spa in Dallas is your gateway to the future of beauty and wellness. As the
beauty landscape evolves, so do our offerings. Dive into this comprehensive
guide to discover the transformative power of
Botox and how it’s
revolutionizing the beauty industry in 2023. Approximate cost based on $14-$16
per unit of Botox in Dallas.

1. Nefertiti Neck Lift: Elegance Personified
 The Nefertiti Neck Lift, inspired by the renowned ancient Egyptian Queen
Nefertiti celebrated for her distinct and elegant neck, is a non-invasive
rejuvenation treatment for the neck and jawline. By utilizing Botox injections,
this procedure specifically targets the platysma muscle, a sheet-like muscle in
the neck responsible for pulling the skin downward. As individuals age, the
activity of the platysma muscle can increase, leading to sagging skin,
pronounced vertical bands, and a diminished jawline definition. After
undergoing the Nefertiti Neck Lift, patients can expect a more defined jawline,
a smoother neck with reduced appearance of vertical bands, and an overall
lifted and youthful appearance. The results offer a harmonious balance between
the neck and facial features, echoing the beauty standards set by Queen Nefertiti

Lasts up to 4–6 months.

Approximate units: 25–40 units.

Average cost for a Nefertiti Neck Lift in Dallas
typically ranges between $350-$640

2. Lip Flip: Subtle Yet Striking
 Dreaming of a fuller pout? The lip flip is your non-invasive solution,
offering subtle enhancements that make a world of difference. The lip flip is a
testament to how minor tweaks can lead to major enhancements, making it a
favorite among our Dallas clientele.By targeting the orbicularis oris muscle at
the upper lip’s edge, the procedure allows the lip to roll slightly outward,
revealing a fuller appearance. Unlike fillers, the Lip Flip offers a
natural-looking boost, creating the illusion of volume while maintaining the
lip’s original shape. The result is a refreshed and youthful pout without any
drastic changes.

Lasts for 2–4 months.

Approximate units: 4–10 units.

Average cost for a lip flip procedure in Dallas typically
ranges between $150 to $250

3. Botox for Wellness: Beyond Aesthetics

Migraine Relief: Beyond its aesthetic
wonders, Botox offers therapeutic benefits. Experience relief from chronic
migraines and embrace a life of comfort.

Lasts for 3–4 months.

Approximate units: 155–195 units.

Average cost of Botox for Migraine relief procedure in
Dallas typically ranges between $2,170-$3,120

TMJ & Sleep Bruxism: Safeguard your dental health and ensure restful nights with treatments
designed to address nighttime teeth grinding.

Lasts for 3–6 months.

Approximate units: 25–50 units per side.

Average cost of Botox for TMJ procedure in Dallas
typically ranges between $350-$800 per side.

Axillary Hyperhidrosis: Bid farewell to excessive underarm sweating. Botox injections for
axillary hyperhidrosis offer a life-changing solution, restoring confidence and
comfort in your daily life.

Lasts for 6–7 months.

Approximate units: 50–100 units per underarm.

Average cost of Botox for excessive underarm sweating
procedure in Dallas typically ranges between $700-$1,600 per underarm.

4. Brotox: Modern Masculinity
 Self-care is universal.
Brotox caters to the contemporary man, ensuring a revitalized and youthful look
that exudes confidence.

Last for 3–4 months.

Approximate units: 30–64 units.

Average cost for a Brotox procedure in Dallas typically
ranges between $420-$1,024

5. Nostril Botox: Perfecting Every Expression
 Craft a harmonious facial profile with nostril Botox. By minimizing
nostril flare, this treatment offers a refined look, ensuring every smile and
expression is picture-perfect.

Lasts for 3–4 months.

Approximate units: 5–10 units.

Average cost for a Nostril botox procedure in Dallas
typically ranges between $150-$250

6. Dermatoxin &MicroBotox: Pioneering Glass Skin
 The allure of “glass skin” is undeniable. With Dermatoxin, this coveted
look is no longer exclusive to K-pop idols. Introducing MicroBotox, a
cutting-edge technique where tiny amounts of Botox are injected into the skin’s
superficial layers. This not only reduces pore size but also enhances skin
hydration, giving you that luminous, glass-like finish. It’s the secret weapon
in many beauty arsenals, and now it’s available for you at Sanjiva Medical Spa.

Lasts for 4–6 months.

Approximate units: 25–50 units.

Average cost for a MicroBotox procedure in Dallas
typically ranges between $350-$800.

7. Jawline Mastery with Masseter Botox
 A defined jawline is synonymous with beauty and confidence. Our expert
Injectors employ strategic injections to refine and contour, ensuring a
balanced and photogenic facial structure.

Lasts for 4–6 months.

Approximate units: 20–50 units per side.

Average cost for a Masseter Botox procedure in Dallas
typically ranges between $280-$800 per side.

8. Traptox: Embrace the Barbie Tox Trend
 Discover the secret behind the graceful necklines of the stars. “Traptox”
offers a refined neckline, ensuring you’re always red-carpet ready.

Lasts for 4–5 months.

Approximate units: 50–60 units.

Average cost for a Traptox or BarbieTox procedure in
Dallas typically ranges between $700-$960.

9. Preventive Botox: Modern Skincare Trend
 Preventive Botox, a proactive approach to anti-aging, targets the early
signs of wrinkles before they become deep-set. Ideal for individuals in their
20s to mid-30s, this treatment focuses on relaxing specific facial muscles,
reducing repetitive movements that lead to lines over time. While there’s no
universally prescribed age for starting preventive Botox, its growing
popularity among younger adults showcases its effectiveness in maintaining a
youthful appearance. By seeking preventive Botox treatments, individuals can
potentially delay the onset of pronounced wrinkles.

Lasts for 4–5 months.

Approximate units: 30–64 units

Average cost for preventative Botox in Dallas typically
ranges between $420-$1,024

 At Sanjiva Medical Spa in Dallas, we believe in transparency and
precision, offering top-tier Botox treatments. Our experts ensure you receive
optimal care with precise unit measurements and transparent pricing for each
procedure. Whether you’re exploring Botox for the first time or seeking to
continue your beauty journey, we’re here to guide and transform. Schedule a
consultation in Dallas to receive personalized recommendations and embark on
your journey to beauty and wellness.

Ready for your treatment?

Schedule your complimentary consultation today!